Pocatello Pickup Wednesday Noon - 6 p.m.

Pickup for both Whatnot 

seller "idahofallsmarket" (smalls) Pickup will be at 633 S. 2nd Ave Pocatello Idaho 83201


seller "pocatellomarket" (bigs, coming in spring 2025) will also be at 633 S. 2nd Ave Pocatello Idaho 83201

$15 Credit when you make your first purchase! When you first sign up with this referral link.

Pocatello Pickup option:
Setup: Ensure Local Pickup is added to your whatnot wallet before you bid or buy any items you want to pickup. 

Wallet Icon is on the right side of the Whatnot mobile app during a live online auction.

Whatnot  APP Compatibility: Buyers can select "pickup" only on iOS and Android devices; ONLY (phone tablet). Web / PC support is coming soon.

Confirmation: Confirm your pickup by bringing your "pickup order code" or we can scan your QR code when you arrive on the app.
If you need more help, feel free to ask!

Pickup is Wednesday Noon - 6 p.m.

Pickup must be arranged within 6 days of Auction Close if requesting a different day/time.