Chicago New York City Skyscraper Art Print Painting Large Abstract

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Outer frame is 58.5x34. 20.8 LBS.

Inner thin frame if outer framed tossed, make this 49x25

The outer frame which holds the inner frame has become unstapled around the edges.

Top right corner large is chipped off, plastic frame, backing was colored black. The white paper mat in the corner has a closed tear.

The inner frame is also cracked and could be glued in photo of top left corner.

If you do not want to attempt to fix this frame or reframe, you can actually display this without the larger frame, what you will get is the thin black (gold layer facing front) frame (corner needs glued) you see that is right up against the artwork, which will give it a more minimalist look.

Not sure what city this depicts, was made in Illinois  so I'm guessing its Chicago, however it maybe NYC.

The art work sold originally by HomeGoods, discounted price was $129.99 with an original suggested retail of $250. Our price will be much less.

It is not a poster, however it was commercially made, how unknown, but it does have a texture. The right side of this has a glare in the first photo.

Star Creations Incorporated USA, is where this was produced.

If shipped the outer frame will not be included, you must inquire with us about shipping costs BEFORE you checkout.