Black Clay Colima Pre Columbian Aztec Maya Toltec Seated God Mexico Sitting Terracotta

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LBS 1.95

Length 9x6x3

We make no claims as to the actual age of this figure. Unfortunately we do not have any history, nor the knowledge to know if it is authentic or not. Nor its origin or proper name.


Has multiple spots of DAMAGE, and repair and cracks, please see photos. No shipping refunds for any reason. Appears to be made of a red clay that has been fired black. It is not hollow, on its but there appears to be a piece of straw? going across its rear end. We found a style similiar to this and this piece represents Pre-Columbian terracotta Seated Male Figure, from the Colima culture, West Mexico region during the period from 300 B.C. to 400 A.D. Refered to as Colima Flats. Possibly adjectives to describe seated gingerbread sun god magical shaman, with a headdress, necklace and earring holes.