Under $9.99 Books for Pickup
50 Cent Cash Discount available per book. To qualify you must set an appointment and indicate the title of the book(s) you want to look at in the "notes" of the "book viewing" appointment. Please note that we do not "hold" books without pre-payment.
Out of town:
Coming from outside Pocatello? for a pickup?.... If so you must indicate you are from out of town during the "schedule your pickup appointment" in the notes section; at the bottom. That way before you leave, we will make sure that your order is ready for pickup. We cannot guarantee we can fulfill your order if you show up outside a scheduled time. Thank you.
Shipped Books:
Do you want book(s) to be shipped. Please contact us for details. A packing, processing and handling fee of $1.50 per book may apply for orders under $25.