Commercial Server Products 3 Quart Hot Nacho Cheese Fudge Caramel Dispenser 844 L-NCSW LNCSW

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Commercial Server Products 3 Quart Hot Nacho Cheese Fudge Caramel Dispenser

Series 844  Model L-NCSW  ( LNCSW )

Light needs new bulb or is not working.

We tested the heating on this unit, however we did not actually heat cheese it. The unit heats up very quickly and very hot in the front just behind the sign inside area, we don't believe this has any other elements beside one in this area.

This might need an inner removable cannister inside? this would definitely help distribute the heat more evenly around the cheese container.

We did not test the thermostat yet. If we test this we will only test a lowest and then a highest setting. Maybe a middle setting as well if we are shipping this.

This comes with one pump, not yet tested, we will test with water before you pickup. 

These usually have a tip or a cap / plug? on the end, this one is missing.

This needs a cleaning before use.

If your driving some distance to pickup please let us know so we can retest the pump and heat and light before you come. 

It is SOLD AS-IS, currently a non-working light, but unit heats up very quickly, and pump working with water, beyond that no further testing will be done and is SOLD AS-IS.

We also have one or two popcorn machine available as well if your into concession type food.