Origin of the Reorganized Church Joseph Fielding Smith Jr. 1907 LDS Mormon book

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Origin of the "Reorganized" Church
The Question of Succession
Joseph Fielding Smith
1907 Paperback Edition, no other dates.
Deseret News
139 pages. 
This cover version harder to find.

From the Introduction to "Origin of the 'Reorganized' Church: 'During the summer of 1906 and continuing until the summer of 1907, a number of Reorganized ministers who were engaged in missionary work in Salt Lake City and Ogden, were greatly encouraged by one or two apostates and the local anti-Mormon press. Their method of proselyting was of the usual nature, a tirade of abuse and false accusations hurled at the authorities of the Church. Encouraged by the anti-Mormon help, they became extremely vindictive in their references to President Brigham Young and the present Church authorities. Their sermons were so bitter and malignant - which has been the character of most of their work from the beginning in Utah - that they raised considerable protest from many respectable citizens.

 '"In response to the various allegations of 'false authority' posed by the RLDS Church, Joseph Fielding Smith, a young Church Historian and soon-to-be Apostle, stood at the forefront in correcting RLDS charges and misrepresentations. Various topics are treated including; the purpose and authority of temple work; plural marriage; the plurality of Gods; and several historical examples of LDS doctrine and authority. "

This version in in three parts, the first part covering the origin, the second the presidency and the third the differences between the church and the reorganization.